► We began working with SOPPEXCCA to develop Jinotega’s first-ever organic farmers market. Many women in our home garden project had become skilled enough to meet their families’ needs, and they now wanted to build new sources of income by selling their surplus produce.

► In 2017, we conducted a community diagnostic with 200 members of ACODIHUE to lay the groundwork for our food security work together. ACODIHUE had previously established a beekeeping project in 2017, along with a food security program. This venture has grown to include 90 women and men, but they had not yet fully addressed food security strategies to realize the potential of the program.

► 2nd year CESMACH, training for Lucas by Ecosur

► 2nd year COMEPCAFE (Nueva Ruralidad). We start including water management trainings

► 1st year of second phase with Maya Ixil and 43 beekeepers and Ecosur

► 2nd year School gardens – 3 schools and 1 food security exchange with schools

► Diversification study with Nuevo Futuro and Nueva Ruralidad: participants value the home garden and want to include more crops, also laying chikens and beekeeping.